Hey! I am

Zhang Yue


About Me

I'm Zhang Yue, a research associate from College of Transportation Engineering of Tongji University

  • Name: Zhang Yue
  • Address: NO.4800 Cao'an Highway, Shanghai, China
  • Zip code: 201804
  • Email: zhangyue18@tongji.edu.cn
  • Phone: (86)-19921315424

Research Interests

Driving behavior modeling

Traffic safety and risk analysis

Vehicle trajectory data mining

Optimal control strategy for AVs

Research Projects


Examining the impact of autonomous driving on operation and optimization of bottleneck traffic flow for expressway

My role: Participant

Funding source: National Natural Science Foundation of China


Heterogeneous traffic groups cooperative driving behaviors research under mixed traffic condition

My role: Participant

Funding source: National Key Research and Development Program of China


Examining the impact of traffic incidents on the reliability of freeway travel times and improvement strategies

My role: Participant

Funding source: National Natural Science Foundation of China

Reviewer Services

PLOS ONE (IF: 2.766)

Journal of Advanced Transportation (IF: 2.419)

TRB Committee ACS20 Safety Performance and Analysis

TRB Committee ACP50 Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics

Refereed Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Publications

1. , Zou, Y., Tang, J., and Liang, J. (2021). "Long-term prediction for high-resolution lane-changing data using temporal convolution network." Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1-15.
2. , Zou Y., Wu L., Zhang Y., Selpi S.(2021). "Spatiotemporal Interactive Pattern Recognition and Risk Evolution Analysis in Lane Changes." IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System (Under review). arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.10688.
3. , Zou, Y., Wu, L., and Han, W. (2021). "Understanding the merging behavior patterns and evolutionary mechanism at freeway on-ramps." Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations . arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.00178.
4. , Zou, Y., Wu, L., Tang, J., and Muneeb Abid, M. (2020). "Exploring the application of the linear Poisson autoregressive model for analyzing the dynamic impact of traffic laws on fatal traffic accident frequency." Journal of advanced transportation, 2020.
5. Zou, Y., , and Cheng, K. (2021). "Exploring the impact of climate and extreme weather on fatal traffic accidents." Sustainability, 13(1), 390.
6. Li, Y., Li, L., Ni, D., and (2021). "Comprehensive survival analysis of lane-changing duration." Measurement, 182, 109707.
7. Tang, J., Zheng, L., Han, C., Yin, W., , Zou, Y., and Huang, H. (2020). "Statistical and machine-learning methods for clearance time prediction of road incidents: A methodology review." Analytic methods in accident research, 27, 100123.
8. Zou Y., Zhu T., Xie Y., Zhang Y., , (2021). "Multivariate analysis of car-following behavior data using a coupled hidden Markov model." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies .
9. , 张雪. 高铁冲击下的公路客运需求分析及客户关系管理方法[J].综合运输, 2021, 43(4).

Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations

1. , Zou Y., Wu L., Zhang Y., Selpi S., Spatiotemporal Interactive Pattern Recognition and Risk Evolution Analysis in Lane Changes. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
2. , Zou, Y., Wu, L., and Han, W., Understanding the merging behavior patterns and evolutionary mechanism at freeway on-ramps. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
3. , Zou Y., Tang J., Liang J., A Lane-Changing Prediction Method Based on Temporal Convolution Network. Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
4. , Zou Y., Wu L.A Linear Poisson Autoregressive Model for Analyzing Dynamic Fatal Traffic Accident Data. Kyoto University and Tongji University joint seminar, Kyoto, Japan
5. Li L., Li Y., Ni D., , Dynamic trajectory planning for automated lane-changing. Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA


Contact Me


NO.4800 Cao'an Highway, Shanghai, China

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